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Sunday, 12 July 2009

Berita Pilihan : Krisis Fertiliti Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Malaysia

Malaysia kini berdepan dengan krisis fertiliti (kesuburan). Kadar kesuburan kini 2.6 bayi bagi setiap pasangan berbanding 3.6 pada tahun 1990. Keterangan lanjut boleh didapati di bawah :

New Straits Times - 12/7/2009

Malaysians facing fertility crisis

By Evangeline Majawat

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia is facing the risk of a shrinking population. A recent United Nations Children's Fund report stated that Malaysia’s fertility rate had dropped from 3.6 babies per couple in 1990 to 2.6 babies now.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said the statistics did not augur well for the country. One reason for the drop, he said, was the increasing fertility problem among women.

He said that a 50 per cent of the patients who visited specialists in public hospitals sought treatment for infertility.

He pointed out that 10 to 15 per cent of childless couples in the country, between the ages of 30 and 40, had infertility problems.

“Many of the couples will remain childless unless they are helped using the ‘assisted reproductive technology’ technique.”

“The ministry recognises the adverse impact of infertility on the quality of life,” he said after officiating TMC Fertility Centre’s 2,000th IVF Baby celebration yesterday at ew Tropicana Medical Centre here.

The centre boasts the highest number of IVF births in the country with one-third of all IVF babies conceived there. Currently, there are 30 fertility centres, most of them private-owned and situated in the Klang Valley.

Liow said local fertility centres, such as TMC, had the expertise and state-of-the-art facilities to match the top centres in the world.

“With such success stories right at our doorstep, I see no reason for couples to travel overseas for treatment.

IVF babies can now be wholly ‘made’ in Malaysia!” Liow said the high-success rate of fertility treatments was also becoming part of the booming medical tourism in Malaysia.

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